
Jenn graduated from Graphic Communications Management with a Bachelor of Technology and has followed print ever since having previously worked at both AIIM and Transcontinental as a Variable Data and Forms Composition specialist. She has brought her skills to her Forms role here where she’s also an avid learner and loves training on and implementing new software programs to improve efficiency.
Jenn may be young but she’s also incredibly industrious and has always had two jobs for as long as she can remember. In her consequently limited free time, she enjoys anything arts and crafts based and loves Escape Rooms and has an unhealthy obsession with board and party games. It’s no surprise therefore that here at the Kitchen, she is renowned for designing games and fun activities for us. If there’s a quiz, or word search puzzle - she’s written it. A treasure hunt - she’s hidden the prizes. Hangman waiting for an answer to be supplied – guaranteed she’s provided it.
Jenn may have the biggest of smiles herself, but it’s ultimately down to her that the rest of us often follow suit – clue in hand…