The unexpected blessing of a non-compete.
Never in a million years last May would I have ever thought that I would be writing a blog about my 1 year non-compete being a blessing in disguise. But here I am one year later grateful for the agreement in my unique situation. I was pretty bitter about it up until Christmas time, it was then that I realized I was not near ready operationally last summer to service the volume of work I managed at FSA/DATA Group . I had just moved the business to a brand new facility, I was getting my feet wet as business owner and I was figuring out what we could do well and where we needed more equipment and talent to stand out in the industry. Funny how things often have a way of working out.
My brother Rob who was a brilliant business man and visionary never believed in non-competes, he felt that if his sales staff could service their clients better and be happier elsewhere then he wasn’t doing his job as a President and Owner.
I love this philosophy, definitely words to live by.
I think when people jump ship to a new company it is always a risk and it takes a while to acclimatize and ensure it’s a good fit. The last thing you want to do is rush to move your clients and their projects from company to company. I also believe the same is for managers, before you take some of your prize winning staff with you, ensure that you are happy first. I still don’t agree with non-compete agreements but I do think you need to take your time bringing clients and staff over to your new establishment.
The conclusion of my non-compete has also allowed me to bring on one of the most talented sales people I know, Janice Dumphie. When I joined FSA in 1999 Janice was already there selling up a storm. She taught me all about direct mail, call centre and fulfillment, she went on sales calls with me and tirelessly helped me with quotes and proposals. I’m so excited to have Janice join our team on June 8th.